
Each testimony below was provided by someone previously under the care of Justin as a Pastor, Counselor, mentor or friend.

I felt heard, seen, and so loved.

I was in such a dark place for so long. I was riddled with pain and shame, and struggled to believe there was redemption and freedom for me. A loved one encouraged me to reach out to Justin as he had helped them when they were in a low place. I am beyond grateful that I took heed to that advice and met with Justin. I felt heard, seen, and so loved. He offered me compassion, truth, and allowed me to be ministered to by the Lord in that space. I remember coming in heavy, yet leaving feeling light and some true freedom. It was just what I needed, but didn’t believe was possible. I highly recommend anyone seek counsel and guidance through Justin. It literally changed my life at that point and I am immensely grateful!


Restoration in the deepest parts of my soul

Justin was transformational in my walk with God. I was able to relate to God in a truer and deeper way as I experienced restoration within the deepest parts of my soul.


I learned to process emotions.

Justin is a man who loves God and loves people well. I am so grateful for the time he spent teaching me how to process my emotions and work through sin in my life. Most importantly, he helped me become a better follower of Jesus, Husband, Father and Man.


Passionate about seeing people reach their full potential.

I have known Justin for almost 10 years as a mentor, friend, and pastor. He has been a steady rock for me and my family through some very rough times. He is reliable, caring, and has a heart for Christ that comes through in all he does. He is passionate about seeing others reach their full potential and sensitive to the guidance of the Spirit in all situations. I highly recommend him as a mentor and counselor.


Caring, compassionate and attentive.

Justin is the most caring, compassionate, and attentive counselor and mentor I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting with. He’s passionate and skilled at developing healthy Christian leaders who make an impact on their communities.


Help becoming who I am today.

When I first met Justin, I was new to Orlando and really struggling across multiple aspects of my life. Meeting with him, he provided some much needed clarity and helped me walk through each struggle while helping me develop tools to continue becoming healthier. I can honestly say my life would not be what it is now without his help and guidance!


I needed to be cared for and challenged.

I spent time in counseling with Justin for a number of months. During this time I was processing a lot of church trauma, unhealthy family patterns and behaviors that I had adapted because of these circumstances and from my experiences. He provided an extremely safe and encouraging space, while also provided challenging questions to a young man that needed both care and challenge. He allowed me to experience all of my emotions and helped me navigate a mess of emotion and hurt that had been strangling me for years. I also experienced The Holy Spirit’s wisdom in a unique way that I had not before, and to this day only have experienced a couple of times outside of the counseling relationship with Justin. He has a gift to listen to The Holy Spirit and supply words given him through this listening that has certainly helped me.
