The following is an excerpt that beautifully illustrates God’s power to transform our pain into beauty.
“The purpose of God in trials is illustrated through the metaphor of pearl. When an oyster gets an irritant lodged inside its shell, it forms a protective coating over it and creates a pearl. What started as an irritant ended in a valuable treasure. That illustrates how God redeems our sufferings. Initially we’re distressed, but in the end we emerge with the pearl of Christlikeness formed within. The longer the irritant resides inside the oyster’s shell, the larger and more valuable the pearl becomes. Therefore, the formative value of tribulation is sometimes directly proportional to the duration of the crucible. The longer the distress, the more valuable the pearl. When we know this, we can endure with joy. There’s no other entrance to the eternal city but the pearly gates of treasure perfected in hardship.”
— Secrets of the Secret Place Legacy Edition by Bob Sorge
This is a fascinating example. What hope is stirred! What value God has for us. What are the afflictions, trails, and irritants in our life? What can be made as valuable as a pearl? Interesting to me that Jesus uses the image of a pearl when talking of the kingdom of Heaven.
Only God can take what is meant for evil and turn it for good. But not just good, precious and valuable. A treasure in the sight of God.